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Learner’s Information System: Boon or Bane?

 mariceldtangcangco2 years agoAdvertisements

Deped LIS

How does a LIS work?

Learning Information Systems enable individualised practice and individualised feedback.

They are intended to impact on learning effectiveness by providing structured and detailed formative feedback:

  • directly to the learner
  • directly to the teacher
  • to the learner mediated and interpreted by the teacher
  • to any other stakeholders, e.g. parents, head teacher or principal, advisors and inspectors.

A Learning Information System (LIS) enables:

  • more frequent assessment
  • more detailed assessment
  • in less time
  • with greater consistency
  • immediate formative feedback to the learner
  • which can raise meta-cognitive awareness
  • and can motivate learners to work harder, work smarter, and aim higher
  • formative feedback to the teacher about the effectiveness of individual children’s learning
  • which is immediate and also longitudinal
  • and class-wide diagnostic information and at-risk alerting
  • which can help the teacher promote & manage effective learning.

For the teacher, detailed feedback on the performance of all the learners in the class is provided with no expenditure of teacher assessment time (although the teacher needs time to review the data, reflect and decide upon appropriate professional action). An indication of the degree of success in each learner’s performance is available, in relation to their individual functional operating level and the number and difficulty of tasks they have attempted. Thus the teacher is enabled to ensure that all learners are consistently operating within their own “zone of proximal development” – optimum level of challenge.

Of course, information on learning effectiveness is of no significance if it is not acted upon. Teachers thus need to respond to LIS data by intervening appropriately with learners (through informal learning counselling, adapted selection of tasks, or other guidance), subsequently using the LIS to track the effectiveness of their intervention.

Linking an LIS with a Tutoring System

The Centre for Peer Learning (CPL) is particularly interested in the linkage of its systems for tutoring by peers, parents and volunteers to a relevant Learning Information System. In this context, the LIS offers an effective and efficient means of tracking, evaluating and adjusting individualised tutoring activity.

For example, with the Accelerated Reader teachers may choose to allow pupils to self-assess on books read To and With them, as well as those read independently and silently, especially in the case of young or delayed readers. Where the programme is used with classwide, selective or elective peer tutoring, or parent or volunteer tutoring, AR tracks and flags which books have been read independently and which with a tutor. Both tutor and tutee may subsequently independently self-assess their comprehension of the book, enhancing motivation, meta-cognition and accountability. For emergently literate tutees, the most recent version also provides quizzes with digitised speech output. The default condition is that pupils can self-assess on a book only once.

Where the Centre for Peer Learning tutoring system known as “Paired Reading” is coupled with the Accelerated Reader LIS, the combination is known as “Duolog Reading”. Paired Maths with the Accelerated Math LIS is known as Duolog Math. Paired Writing with the Accelerated Writer LIS is known as Duolog Writing.

For further information on CPL tutoring systems, see the following:


The Read On Project [LINK]


  • Paired Collaborative Writing: Scottish Council for Research in Education Newsletter, Research in Education No. 67 Winter 2000/2001 The Paired Learning for Inclusion.
  • Topping, K. J. (2001) Thinking Reading Writing: A Practical Guide To Paired Learning with Peers, Parents & Volunteers. New York & London: Continuum International.


  • Topping, K. J. (2001) Peer and parent assisted learning in maths, science and ICT: Spotlight No. 83. Edinburgh: Scottish Council for Research in Education. [26 April].

The Problem-Solving Project [LINK]


Also see other publications linked from Keith Topping’s homepage.[LINK]

DepEd Learners’ Information System, information for greater access to education

August 22, 2014

From the Department of Education

In 2011, the Department of Education initiated the Learners’ Information System (LIS), an online facility that provides for the registration of learners enrolled in public schools. Since its installation, the LIS has allowed the Department to generate the total public school enrolment based on the actual registration of learners.

The LIS is an innovative tool that the Department uses to manage information with the aim of promoting transparency, informed decision making, and empowerment at different levels of the organization. While being a tech-based solution, the LIS involves an inclusive, community-driven process that thrives because of the active engagement and participation of all teachers, principals, planning officers and other DepEd personnel all throughout the Philippines.

According to Secretary of Education Armin A. Luistro, “Considering the size of the Department and the number schools under it, it is very critical for the Agency to be equipped with the right information at the right time to be able to make better decisions. This is essentially an online registry of learners that is important for any educational system or institution. We need to continually get to know our learners better so that we can respond better.”

Out of the 46,648 public schools in the country, only 140 (0.3%) schools have failed to submit data for SY 2014-2015, which demonstrates a very high participation and submission rate by the schools. The concerned divisions have already been instructed to complete the remaining school information immediately.

This system is envisioned to allow the Department to better track its learners in both formal and non-formal instruction so that more appropriate interventions can be formulated in the provision of quality education for all Filipino learners. As an example, students who transfer from one school to another can be monitored and better assisted by using data from the LIS.

The use of automation and technology has helped the Department update information on enrollment for planning, budgeting and resource allocation among others. Luistro added that, “What used to take ten months to collect, consolidate and validate has now been reduced to three months. This is a result of the use of technology and the power of our people.”

As of June 6, 2014, the Department is looking at a total of more than 20 million student enrollees for public schools.

Advantages and disadvantages of information systems

6 diciembre, 2015 by Mirzodaler Muhsinzoda 5 Comments

The competitiveness of most companies is in a large degree based on the effective use of information technologies and information systems especially. The main purpose of information systems are provide the right information to the right people at the right time. It is used to track, store, manipulate and distribute the information from gathered data to appropriate persons when necessary.

In this post I thought to think about what advantages and disadvantages can bring to the businesses and society the integrating information systems. Of course, without any doubt the efficient usage of information systems will give a lot opportunities to the companies and advantages to their business. Sometime it can make kind of new job environments but on the other hand it can make some group of employees unemployed.


Communication – with help of information technologies the instant messaging, emails, voice and video calls becomes quicker, cheaper and much efficient.

Globalization and cultural gap – by implementing information systems we can bring down the linguistic, geographical and some cultural boundaries. Sharing the information, knowledge, communication and relationships between different countries, languages and cultures becomes much easier.

Availability – information systems has made it possible for businesses to be open 24×7 all over the globe. This means that a business can be open anytime anywhere, making purchases from different countries easier and more convenient. It also means that you can have your goods delivered right to your doorstep with having to move a single muscle.

Creation of new types of jobs – one of the best advantages of information systems is the creation of new and interesting jobs. Computer programmers, Systems analyzers, Hardware and Software developers and Web designers are just some of the many new employment opportunities created with the help of IT.

Cost effectiveness and productivity – the IS application promotes more efficient operation of the company and also improves the supply of information to decision-makers; applying such systems can also play an important role in helping companies to put greater emphasis on information technology in order to gain a competitive advantage. IS has a positive impact on productivity, however there are some frustrations can be faced by systems users which are directly linked to lack of training and poor systems performance because of system spread.


Unemployment and lack of job security– implementing the information systems can save a great deal of time during the completion of tasks and some labor mechanic works. Most paperwork’s can be processed immediately, financial transactions are automatically calculated, etc. As technology improves, tasks that were formerly performed by human employees are now carried out by computer systems. For example, automated telephone answering systems have replaced live receptionists in many organizations or online and personal assistants can be good example also. Industry experts believe that the internet has made job security a big issue as since technology keeps on changing with each day. This means that one has to be in a constant learning mode, if he or she wishes for their job to be secure.

Dominant culture – while information technology may have made the world a global village, it has also contributed to one culture dominating another weaker one. For example it is now argued that US influences how most young teenagers all over the world now act, dress and behave. Languages too have become overshadowed, with English becoming the primary mode of communication for business and everything else.

Security issues – thieves and hackers get access to identities and corporate saboteurs target sensitive company data. Such data can include vendor information, bank records, intellectual property and personal data on company management. The hackers distribute the information over the Internet, sell it to rival companies or use it to damage the company’s image. For example, several retail chains were targeted recently by hackers who stole customer information from their information systems and distributed Social Security numbers and credit card data over the Internet.

Implementation expenses – to integrate the information system it require pretty good amount of cost in a case of software, hardware and people. Software, hardware and some other services should be rented, bought and supported. Employees need to be trained with unfamiliar information technology and software.

Information systems contribute to the efficient running of organizations. Information systems are showing the exponential growth in each decades. Today’s information technology has tremendously improved quality of life. Modern medicine has benefited the most with better information system using the latest information technology. By understanding and learning what advantages and disadvantages it can bring, we have to try, believe and put an effort with our best to make that existing advantage much better and navigate the disadvantages to have a less impact on organizations and society.

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